Is Pet Food Labeled With Organic, Wholistic, And All Natural Healthier?

Words such as ‘Natural”, “Organic”, and “wholistic”, are trending right now, but is the food with this label any healthier for your pets?

The short answer is no, as there is no research to support these claims made by the pet food manufactures that these ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ foods are actually that – natural or organic.

They also do not say what that particular manufacture considers natural. The definition is vast. Often, we hear the phase ‘deriving from nature”, or something similar.

The definition to derived –‘ base a concept on an extension or modification of (another concept).’ So it could be any number of ingredient’s not necessarily from nature.

Remember they are licensed in the pet food industry to make whatever marketing claim they like – they do not have to back it up. It is all just clever advertising!